Prosecution Office Information System PROIS is a single electronic work environment for all prosecution office employees for basic activities and electronisation of the supporting processes. e-service Decisions on Me in Prosecution Office.

PROSIS provides the electronisation of the basic activities and support processes of the Latvian Prosecution Office: accounting and circulation of electronic files/documents (electronic coordination, approvals), personnel accounting, specialised procurements accounting, accounting of agreements, registers of operating resources.

Integrated external registers browser: makes it easier for prosecutors to obtain information from state registers. The record keeping module also provides the integration of using e-signature, automation and integration of interfaces of the Document Integration Environment of the State Regional Development Agency.  The project implements both unilateral and bilateral integrations.

Integration with the following state registers is provided:

  • Persons Register;
  • Enterprise Register;
  • Registers managed by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate;
  • Penalties Register;
  • Criminal Procedures Information System (KRASS);
  • Court Information System;
  • Single State Computerised Land Register;
  • Address Register;
  • Document Integration Environment of the State Regional Development Agency;
  • Resource Management System Horizon.

The system is suited for the Prosecution Office of Latvia: prosecutors personnel (prosecutors, head prosecutors, general prosecutors), supporting personnel (prosecutor assistants, chancellery, accounting department, procurement department, operational resources department, IT department).


  • Single work environment and authentication for all the daily information registration/retrieval activities.
  • Single browser of external registers information;
  • Single register of persons ans contacts.


Registration of visitors and received documents (including using the e-mail software GroupWise).

Processing of documents: registration, electronic coordination and signing, electronic resolutions, integration with the Document Integration Environment, automatic sending of e-mail letters and identification of unsuccessful sent e-mail letters.

Search browser: the possibility to view information stored about persons, contact persons in the system (visits, mutual correspondence, involvement in cases), the possibility to retrieve in a single way information from state registers in order to prepare evidence and information more conveniently for the basic work of prosecutors.

Single basic activity (criminal procedures, trial cases, administrative and civil cases) registers: provide the possibly in electronic environment to swiftly find and retrieve information on the status of the basic activity, outcomes in a report period — to store information of one case and access to it in one place (both recorded information and case materials).

Electronic personnel accounting: provides also information on employee absence and substitution to ensure the continuity of electronic flows of documents.

Procurement management module: provides record keeping from identifying the internal needs to the control of fulfilling the procurement.

Accounting of agreements: the possibility not only to register agreements but also to plan agreement control tasks for the responsible employees in future.

Unified personal data audit, external registers use audit, system log.