The application makes it possible for registry office employees to register person’s civil status records and generate and print out documents certifying the registration of civil status records, that is: birth, marriage and death certificates, printouts of civil status records and statements.
The user can work with the program when the customer is visiting, ensuring swift obtaining and processing of the customer’s information. In linking with the Population Register it is possible to update personal data in the local government’s database. The target audience of the application are employees of civil registry offices. The application contains sensitive personal data; therefore, it should not be offered to a wider range of local government employees.
DZIMTS is an application that directly affects personal data in the local government persons database:
- creates new person records;
- creates or terminates 1st level kinship relations;
- changes person’s status (living, ceased) when the birth or death of the person is registered;
- changes person’s marital status (married, divorced, widowed) when the person’s marriage, divorce or spouse’s death is registered;
- affects the person’s declared residence when person’s birth is registered because the application provides the option to enter in the register of births a child’s residence declaration.
In addition to registering civil status records, employees of civil registry offices can register applications for allowances and benefits, thus residents can receive several services at one point. It is convenient to use the DZIMTS application. The civil registry is maximally filled with information from the database, and this essentially makes faster the creation of the registry. The entered information can be saved at any time and work can be continued later. The information entered in the registry is controlled by the application’s controls that reduce the possibility of user mistakes.
- Possibility to register civil status records of private individuals: to enter and synchronise with CARIS (Civil Status Records Registration System) birth, marriage and death registers;
- obtain automatically generated printouts from civil status records registries that are drawn up in accordance with the legislation;
- to register persons’ applications for local government benefit due to child birth;
- register persons’ applications related to State Social Insurance Agency’s benefits due child birth or person’s death if the local government has made an agreement with the SSIA;
- possibility to select data and make lists with civil status records registries, their documents and transferred personal IDs;
- to make annual and semi-annual statistical reports on the work done in the registry office.
Furthermore, DZIMTS provides various printouts that make easier employees’ daily tasks, e.g. automatically filled out printouts of applications for receiving repeated certificates, acknowledging paternity, marriage registration, statement on checking documents required for marriage, certificate of concluding marriage outside the registry office.
The application is linked with CARIS (Civil Status Records Registration System) and the Population Register. If the local government has made an agreement with the State Social Insurance Agency, DZIMTS electronically transfers information on applications for benefits to the SSIA. DZIMTS is linked with the database of the application PERS and affects its data. Data from the DZIMTS database are used by the application JUPIS.